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Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Commission Public Meeting May 24, 2022, 6:30 PM MST

Paradise Hills Special Zoning District Commission Public Meeting, Agenda: 2022_05_24 at 6:30 PM

  1. Call to Order, the PHSZD Commissioners Roll Call to establish a Quorum.

  2. New Business

  3. Engagement agreement with Attorney Hessell Yntema III

  4. Report on the conversation with Hessell Yntema; Letter to Bernalillo County

    1. The revised schedule for advertisement and review of

      1. Special Use Zoning Classification Administrative policy, recusal, and review criteria in an Ordinance Amendment

      2. The Unser Project

      3. Other Ordinance updates

      4. Resolution revisions of public participation, transparency, and comment incorporated into the PHSZD Ordinance sections

    2. Methods for obtaining Public comments for projects, complaints, and PHSZD Ordinance revisions (Continued from 2022_03_08)

    3. 2022_05_10 Resolution to dismiss the project for cause if not amended before May 24, 2022, Public Meeting. Commission's request to submit resolution with a Letter to the Bernalillo County Commissioners, County Manager, County Legal Department, County Attorney, Assistant County Managers, Department Directors, and Project Manager regarding continued noncompliance to PHSZD application and ordinance criteria.

  5. Commissioner Haley's Report on contacts with parties in interest or with an automatic right of appeal and current advice of counsel. As the Unser wall project application review and public meetings proceed, Commissioners should disclose any Ex Parte communications between other parties and Commissioners other than Commissioner Haley. (Approved with on the record recusal and acting as staff.)

  6. Submissions from Bernalillo County for Unser Sound Wall Administrative Hearing; continued from 2022_03_08

  7. 2022_05_10 Submissions and Reports to Entities and Persons with Standing for User Sound Wall (Continued from 2022_03_08). Classification of Use of the proposed plan is Special Use as voted by the Commission (with Chair abstaining) on 3_08_2022. Establish Policies for Public Notification (continued from 2022_03_08) Commission will discuss the timeline and schedule for future Administrative Hearings of the PHSZD Commission (continued from 2022_03_08)

  8. First Reading for Amended Special Use Ordinance

  9. Second Reading for PHSZD Draft Ordinance Amendments for

  10. 9.1. R-2 Residential, On-Site Parking, and Site Density; Tabled 2022_05_10

  11. 9.2. ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit Additions); Tabled 2022_05_10

  12. 9.3. Cannabis Licenses and Use placed on website

  13. 9.4. Ordinance Review and Adoption Procedures and Schedule; Continued 2022_5_10

  14. Consent Agenda and Conforming Projects Audit and Non-Conforming Projects, Website Public Documents Changes, Resolutions, Ordinance Revisions, Public Comments

  15. Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting

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